Now, click on “Install Software” when the option appears followed by “Choose Setup Executable”. Open Wineskin and click on “View Wrapper and Finder”.ĭouble click on the previously created wrapper “Cisco Packet Tracer”. Free Download and Install the Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Now, to install a new program click on “Create New Blank Wrapper” named “Cisco Packet Tracer”.Ģ.Click on “Update” to download the latest wrapper. In the next step, you’ll need to update the wrapper.Click on the (+) button on the file that opens followed by download to get the engine required to run Wineskin on your MAC device.Open the downloaded file on the desktop.Once the download is complete, the following will be the installation process.Make sure you have the right MAC OS configuration. Wineskin runs on the following MAC devices.Download Wineskin from their official website.Download and Install WineSkin Winery on your Mac Follow these simple steps to download Cisco packet tracer.